So my theme for these past couple of months has been...Joy. I am earnestly trying to make the choice every day, minute by minute, to be joyful. Can I tell you, it is harder than it seems to always choose joy but it is so worth it! I have a great husband, precious children, and I am blessed to be able to be home with them and watch them grow, but as you very well know, we are never HAPPY! That is, unless we choose to be. There is always a reason to complain, always an excuse to feel sorry for myself. I can think of things, even just now, that I can complain about...for instance, the current state my kitchen is in! (many dishes that need to be washed, and a stove that has been in use quite a bit lately) I can always think of reasons to be sad, lonely, discontent, etc... BUT WHY? I am not going to do that to myself or my family. My family deserves a momma who is joyful and loving...and why shouldn't I be? No matter how things may seem, they can always get worse. When we have the right perspective, suddenly life is not too bad, actually, it is quite good. I serve a God who has promised me an eternity with Him. My life on earth will one day end, and that will only be the beginning of my eternity with Him. So, no matter how gloomy a day may seem, there is hope and reason to rejoice.
And today I am rejoicing for...
God's unending mercy
happy and healthy kids
a sweet and loving husband
a home with air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter
a dishwasher
a washer and dryer
a car
phones and computers
nice neighbors
a great church
and the list could go on and on...
So, enjoy today and the next time you find yourself tempted to complain, think of all the things that you could actually be grateful for. I bet THAT list would be much longer!
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
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