August 22, 2013

Some of our favorite Summer memories...

 Climbing trees and outdoor play
Puzzles puzzles and more puzzles!
Story Time! Always a favorite!

Lego Creations!

 We got to enjoy a 4th of July baseball game from the balcony of our hotel room...
 And an amazing fireworks display at the end of the game!

 Always music in our home
We began the construction of a pool and deck in our not-so-Texas-sized yard :)

It was a fun summer and certainly a HOT one!  I am getting ready for some fall weather, but not before we get to use the pool a few times.  But I have no problem putting the splashing on hold if it means fall leaves, pumpkin pie, and sipping apple cider near a fire. 

August 06, 2013

Learning at Home

So we have ended our first year of homeschooling and have begun our second year. Matthew is now in first grade and is in full swing with his new curriculum. We have had a fun beginning but as with anything, it is not without it's challenges.  Alegra, my almost three year old daughter, does not appreciate the extra attention Matthew might sometimes get :) and of course, there are never-ending chores that beckon daily and I have not quite mastered how to balance it all.  I am learning that it's okay though. The perfectionist in me wants everything done just so and on schedule, but I am slowly learning that laundry will always be there, meals can sometimes just be tossed together and still provide nutrients, and it is beneficial to stop and smell the roses when I would much rather stay focused on checking off lists.
Who is learning more here, me or the kids?!  The past year was one of growth accompanied by many growing pains and many tears...on my end.  I have been stretched and pulled and have found myself in my closet way too many times talking crying to God and seeking His wisdom.  He is so good.  He reminds me often just how much He is for me. He patiently and lovingly nudges me along and reminds me I am not alone even when it seems that I am.  I am learning, daily, to let go of my fears and to let go of  me, which is my greatest struggle. I'm terribly selfish but am improving week by week, month by month. When the selfishness within is too strong, I am reminded how Christ laid down his life for us and that we ought to lay down our lives for each other. (1John 3:16) Serving my husband and children has not come as naturally to me as it should have, but with patience and time and a lot of prayer, God is changing me, changing my heart.  He is strengthening me and I am so grateful for it.
So as my children learn and grow at home, their momma is learning and growing too. What a precious gift and what a good Father we serve.

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Philippians 3:13, 14 NLT)

On country-living and Starbucks...

                So we have moved and we now live in the country.   It is really beautiful out here.   Peaceful.   We moved away f...