January 11, 2015

On country-living and Starbucks...

                So we have moved and we now live in the country.  It is really beautiful out here.  Peaceful.  We moved away from sitting within 8 minutes of every convenience imagineable, from malls, a hundred grocery stores, more restaurants than there are days in a year, music schools, art classes, and just an abundance of choices, choices, choices.  So why did we move?? I sometimes have to remind myself when I am taking the 35 minute trek back to the city.  35 minutes…not too bad.  Factor in traffic, and well, it takes some extra patience, but so far it has proven itself, worth it. 
                We did it so that the kids would grow up with a little room to run and stretch their legs and imaginations.  We did it, because hubby always wanted a little workshop of his own and a long stretch of yard to call his own.  We did it, because honestly, the “too many choices” that we thought were great, were actually a source of added stress for me.  The “too many” choices, left me always second guessing myself, feeling overwhelmed with the decision-making process.  At one point, I found myself grocery shopping at 5 different grocery stores because they all had something different that we liked!  For me…that creates chaos.  I needed to simplify and I needed to not have so many choices.  Living just far enough from all the convenience forces me to pick and choose carefully what it is that we really need. No more time is spent or wasted driving to this store or that one 4 times a week.  When I go to run errands, I go with a purpose and realize that if I miss something, we will do without it until my next trip in a week or two.  And of course, there is always the handy and much-needed Amazon prime.  hehe
                But I have to admit, for you city slickers, that on days like today, when the winter weather is sitting thick and the sun continues to hide, I do miss the days of a quick trip to the mall to sip on a Starbucks beverage and peruse the aisles of my favorite department stores. :)   With everything, there is the good and the bad.  I am content in knowing that despite the smallish annoyances that might come from living in the country, I am right where God wants me.  And that is worth more than a yummy Starbucks drink any day. 

On country-living and Starbucks...

                So we have moved and we now live in the country.   It is really beautiful out here.   Peaceful.   We moved away f...